I've been making hair clips
and hair bands for the girls. When you have 2 ultra vain girls, you'll either stop buying or start making. I chose the latter.
Hair clips sold in this part of the world are nothing but boring. You'll get to see mirror sights in the hair clips on every little girls hair and that is something my vain girls did not like. They like something different, something unique and this , ahem, (self praising time) loving mummy decided that she'll learn how to make hair clips for her prettyful (a word coined by Phoebe, according to her, she's pretty and beautiful, hence prettyful) girls.
Here's some of my creations for my girls which I made extra and selling in my blogshop, Bow N Ribbon if you are interested to get some for you beautiful girl.
RM 10.00
RM 10.00
Rm 8.00 per clip
Rm 8.00 per clip
Little Brown Bear
RM 10.00
RM 10.00
Daisy with leaf
RM 7.00
Christmas Tree
RM 8.00 per clip
RM 8.00 per clip